Saturday, July 27

Tag: War Memes

Friends Aesthetic: Show, Life, Images, Pictures

Friends Aesthetic: Show, Life, Images, Pictures

Friends Aesthetic Intro Friends Aesthetic Ever since television was invented and became accessible to the common people, its use and popularity only saw an increase. The television first started off by showing things only in black and white but after several years, colour TV was invented which showed the colours of the sceneries present in the movie. Another thing that needs to be noticed is that, back in the day when black and white films were much more prevalent, the camera quality was not as crisp and clear as it is today. That being said, the charm and aesthetic beauty of black and white movies will never be matched by movies of modern times. Currently, just like our phones, computers, tablets and other devices, television also comes with a huge variety of features like voice recognit...
War Memes: Jokes, Fun, Life, Creative Look

War Memes: Jokes, Fun, Life, Creative Look

War Memes: The unprovoked invasion of a sovereign country isn’t exactly funny, but that hasn’t stopped the media and the Ukrainian public from making fun of Russia’s invasion forces in between kicks to the ever-living shit out of them. There have been dozens of jokes, memes, tweets, and YouTube sketches mocking the Russians and their president Vladimir Putin, praising Ukrainian servicemen, and criticising NATO and the EU for their inadequate assistance. russian jokes frequently targeted Ukrainians, mocking them as rapacious, backward, and humourless. ere are top Russian – Ukraine war memes The Russian Federation has been threatening many nations with its military might for years, claiming that its army is the second-strongest in the world. Invading Russian soldiers had intended to...